On 26 January 2009, two traditional canoes set sail from Yap, bound for Palau. The main purpose of the voyage, sponsored by the Traditional Navigation Society of Yap, was to recreate the sailing expeditions to Palau the Yapese made in the 16th-century to quarry stone money. The "Mathaw Maraw" was guided by Master Builder and traditional navigator, Chief Bruno Tharngan of Maap, while the 30-year-old "Simion Hokule'a," built by Master Navigator Mau Piailug and his brother on Satawal, was guided by Master Navigator Ali Haleyalur of Lamotrek. There were 17 crewmen on the two vessels: 8 on the "Mathaw Maram" and 9 on the "Hokule'a." [This information comes from a news release issued by Sebastian F. Tamagken, Chief of Media and Protocol for the Yap State Goverment.] The canoes arrived safely in Palau on 29 January. (From Raymond Thomas Martin)
- from the Polynesian Voyaging Society blog